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Armafelt - A felt compostion backing that allows installation of vinyl sheet flooring of all grade levels. The floor is bonded to the subfloor either by spreading adhesive under the entire floor, or by using adhesive only around the perimeter and at the seams (Armafelt Options).

Interflex - Flexible vinyl backing that allows the floor to expand and contract with subfloor movement and also bridges minor subfloor irregularities. These floors are bonded with adheisves or staples areound the perimeter of the room and with adhesive at the seams.

What is the difference between an Armafelt and an Interflex® backing?

Armafelt is a specially formulated felt backing. Interflex is a flexible vinyl backing. All floors with an Interflex backing are bonded with adhesive or staples around the perimeter of the room and with adhesive at the seams. Floors with the Armafelt backing are bonded either with adhesive spread under the entire floor or are bonded with adhesive or staples around the perimeter of the room and with adhesive at the seams. Chances are either type of floor will work in your home. Speak to your retailer for further installation information.

Does one type of backing perform better than another?

No. The floor's backing is just one component of the floor's overall construction. The floor's overall construction determines its performance. The primary job of the two backings is to allow for two ways of installation. Both means of installation are guaranteed to last when the floor is installed according to the Armstrong Guaranteed Installation System.

Are floors on one backing cheaper to install than the other?

This depends on the condition of your subfloor and other considerations. Please talk to your retailer for further installation information related to your particular project.

Vinyl - Vinyl Construction - Resilient Wearlayers - Backings - Floor Maintenance - Companies


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